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Motor control card driver to flash. Controls the motor speed and communications for feedback.
Protocol buffers message schemas. They aim to be used to transmit messages on serial.
Icons made by Freepik from https://www.flaticon.com/
Library for framing data to be sent over serial. Icon made by Freepik (https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik)
Template for courses
⚠ Source files are automaticly rewrittenTo modify messages, use https://gitlab.clubelek.fr/cdf2020/libraries/communication/messages/messages-schemas instead
⚠ Source files are automaticly rewrittenTo modify messages, use https://gitlab.clubelek.fr/cdf2020/libraries/communication/messages/messages-schemas instead
⚠ Source files are automaticly rewrittenTo modify messages, use https://gitlab.clubelek.fr/cdf2020/libraries/communication/messages/messages-schemas instead
Implementation of serial protocol framing for mbed serial communication. Icon made by Freepik (https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik)
Messages compiled using EmbeddedProto
⚠ Source files are automaticly rewrittenTo modify messages, use https://gitlab.clubelek.fr/cdf2020/libraries/communication/messages/messages-schemas instead
Library for framing data to be sent over serial. Icon made by Freepik (https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik)
ROS package for the coordination card.